Find out which articles have caught the interest of the SBP Journal Editorial staff.

Current Editor's Picks

January 2024: Leisha Gomez (Publishing Editor) – College students’ social media addiction and sleep problems: Chain mediating effects of fear of missing out and nocturnal social media use

December 2023: Ana Stojanov (Associate Editor) – Impact of subordinates’ creativity on supervisor undermining: A social dominance perspective

Previous Editor's Picks

November 2023: Sarah Krivan (Senior Copyeditor) – Emotion experience and regulation in undergraduates following social rejection: A daily diary study

October 2023: Helen Innes (Copyeditor) – Mental fatigue increases utilitarian moral judgments during COVID-19

September 2023: Dorothy Pilkington (Copyeditor) – Parental son preference and depression in later life: The moderating role of childhood friendship experience

August 2023: Keren Segal (Associate Editor) – Hope and depression among left-behind children: A moderated mediation model

July 2023: Dorothy Pilkington (Copyeditor) – Store music and customer loyalty to the store: Negative emotion as mediator

June 2023: Kelly Baildon (Publishing Editor) – Physical activity, individual emotions, and prosocial attitudes: The role of citizen identity

May 2023: Ana Stojanov (Associate Editor) – The power of example: The relationship between supervisors’ and employees’ organizational citizenship behavior

April 2023: Robert A. C. (Bob) Stewart, PhD (Editor-in-Chief) – Servant leadership and team performance: The mediating role of knowledge-sharing climate

March 2023: Sarah Krivan (Copyeditor) – Influence of sensory experiences on tourists’ emotions, destination memories, and loyalty

February 2023: Suzi Brown (IT Manager) – Childhood abuse and adolescent depression: Moderating roles of social support and friendship quality

January 2023: Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – Sensation seeking, media multitasking, and social Facebook use

December 2022: Lesley Aitken (Copyeditor) – Reliability and validity of a Chinese version of the State Feelings of Fat Scale

November 2022: Helen Innes (Copyeditor) – Teacher online feedback and learning motivation: Learning engagement as a mediator

October 2022: Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – Crowding perception predicts subway passengers’ behavioral decision making during COVID-19 via risk awareness and safety perception

September 2022: Leisha Gomez (Publishing Editor) – Exploring extremity and negativity biases in online reviews: Evidence from Yelp.com

August 2022: Ana Stojanov (Associate Editor) – Self-service versus human interaction in private consumption: The moderating role of brand personality

July 2022: Dorothy Pilkington (Copyeditor) – Antecedents and consequences of college students’ satisfaction with online learning

June 2022: Kelly Baildon (Publishing Editor) – Interparental conflict, parent–adolescent attachment, and adolescent Internet addiction: The moderating role of adolescent self-control

May 2022: Suzi Brown (IT Manager) – Homestay customers’ perceived value mediates the influence of customer participation and host–customer interaction on customer satisfaction

April 2022: Robert A. C. (Bob) Stewart, PhD (Editor-in-Chief) –The effectiveness of a web-based positive psychology intervention in enhancing college students’ mental well-being 

March 2022: Sarah Krivan (Copyeditor) – Effort-focused praise between friends: Effects on mindset and motivation of giver and

February 2022: Katharine Samuel (Copyeditor) – The positive effect of perceived leader humor on negative workplace gossip 

January 2022: Keren Segal (Associate Editor) – Leader mindfulness and employee creativity: The importance of leader–member exchange

December 2021: Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – Explicit and implicit attitudes toward people with COVID-19: Need for community mental health services

November 2021: Francisco (Paco) Ángel (IT Assistant) – Brand attachment and oppositional loyalty: The moderating role of moral identity

October 2021: Ana Stojanov (Associate Editor) – Thriving in adversity: Do brief milieu interventions work for young adults in the developing world? A pragmatic randomized controlled trial

September 2021: Kelly Baildon (Publishing Editor) – Bystander behavior of adolescents in school bullying: A family functioning perspective 

August 2021: Katharine Samuel (Copyeditor) – Moderating role of hope in the relationship between perceived discrimination and life satisfaction among left-behind children in China

July 2021: Keren Segal (Associate Editor) – Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical doctors in Turkey

June 2021: Lewis Fletcher (Copyeditor) – Self- versus other-directed outcomes, Machiavellianism, and hypothetical distance in COVID-19 antipandemic messages

May 2021: Sarah Krivan (Copyeditor) – Impact of media use on consumer product knowledge 

April 2021: Robert A. C. (Bob) Stewart, PhD (Editor-in-Chief) – Effort-focused praise between friends: Effects on mindset and motivation of giver and receiver 

December 2020: Keren Segal (Associate Editor) – Bilingual gatekeepers’ experiences of immigrant women’s acculturative stress and mental health improvement in Korea: A qualitative analysis 

September 2020: Robert A. C. (Bob) Stewart, PhD (Editor-in-Chief) – Entrepreneurial passion, entrepreneurial perseverance, and new enterprise performance: Evidence from China 

July 2020: Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – How supervisor narcissism contributes to employee silence: Roles of negative anticipations and leader–member exchange 

March 2020: Beatriz Portillo (Associate Editor) – Effects of a life skills-based sexuality education program on Korean early adolescents 

December 2019: Robert A. C. (Bob) Stewart, PhD (Editor-in-Chief) – Life satisfaction of Korean older adults: The roles of chronological and subjective age and appearance management

September 2019: Beatriz Portillo (Associate Editor) – Sedentary behaviors, psychological status, and sleep quality in Chinese university students

June 2019: Allana Cruz (Editorial Assistant) – Gratitude, positive emotion, and satisfaction with life: A test of mediated effect

March 2019: Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – Relationships between self-leadership, commitment to exercise, and exercise adherence among sport participants

October 2018Helen Owen (Associate Editor) – Solving interpersonal problems when fatigued: The beneficial effect of positive mood

July 2018: Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – Immigration from an attachment perspective

April 2018Allana Cruz (Editorial Assistant) – Nature experience influences nature aversion: Comparison of South Korea and Germany

January 2018: Helen Owen (Associate Editor) – Positive coping style as a mediator between older adults’ self-esteem and loneliness

October 2017: Sarah Krivan (Project Manager) – Nontraditional male: Men with primary childcare/household responsibilities

July 2017Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – When and why high performers feel job dissatisfaction: A resource flow approach

April 2017: Allana Cruz (Editorial Assistant) – Gender differences in strategies for coping with foreign language learning anxiety

February 2017: Helen Owen (Associate Editor) – Guilt, lying, and attentional avoidance of concealed information

December 2016Sarah Krivan (Copyeditor) – Ambivalent attitude of young people in China toward rich kids: Evidence from behavioral indices

October 2016: Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – Negative cognitive style as a mediator between self-compassion and hopelessness depression

August 2016Sarah Krivan (Marketing Manager) – Predictors of volunteer time: The changing contributions of motive fulfillment and role identity

June 2016: Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – Personalized e-services: Consumer privacy concern and information sharing

April 2016: Robert A. C. (Bob) Stewart, PhD (Editor-in-Chief) – Predictive effects of subjective happiness, forgiveness, and rumination on life satisfaction

February 2016: Sarah Krivan (Marketing Manager) – Is younger really better? Anxiety about learning a foreign language in Turkish children

December 2015: Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – Dispositional optimism as a mediator of the effect of rumination on anxiety

October 2015: Robert A. C. (Bob) Stewart, PhD (Editor-in-Chief) – Chinese college students’ risk attitude to moving abroad to study

August 2015: Sarah Krivan (Marketing Manager) – Models of concentration in natural environments: A comparative approach based on streams of experiential data

June 2015: Sarah Krivan (Marketing Manager) – Different interactional injustice, different organizational remedy? Evidence from China

April 2015: Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – Creating shared values between national team identity and global event brand equity

February 2015: Robert A. C. (Bob) Stewart, PhD (Editor-in-Chief) – Attitudes and beliefs about homosexuality and same-sex marriage among a sample of South African students – Mwaba

December 2014: Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – The Self-Reflection and Insight Scale: A new measure of private self-consciousness

October 2014: Sarah Krivan (Marketing Manager) – Early maladaptive schemas as predictors of interpersonal orientation and peer connectedness in university students – Yoo, Park, and Jun

August 2014: Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – Creative contribution of individuals in groups: Effects of goal orientation and participative safety

June 2014: Sarah Krivan (Marketing Manager) – The psychological explanation of conformity

April 2014: Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – The affective personality: Its relation to quality of sleep, well-being and stress

February 2014: Robert A. C. (Bob) Stewart, PhD (Editor-in-Chief) – The behavior of wiki users

December 2013: Sarah Krivan (Marketing Manager) – Transformational leadership and speaking up: Power distance and structural distance as moderators

October 2013: Robert A. C. (Bob) Stewart, PhD (Editor-in-Chief) – Subjective happiness and health behavior among a sample of university students in India

June 2013: Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – Facing fear: Expression of fear facilitates processing of emotional information

April 2013: Robert A. C. (Bob) Stewart, PhD (Editor-in-Chief) – Sexual self-labels and personality differences among Chinese lesbians

The relationship of masculinity and femininity to the Big Five personality dimensions among a Chinese sample

February 2013: Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – Forgiveness and Big Five Personality traits among Taiwanese undergraduates

December 2012: Robert A. C. (Bob) Stewart, PhD (Editor-in-Chief) – The development and validation of a self-report measure of self-actualization

November 2012: Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – The effect of color in American political campaigns

September 2012: Robert A. C. (Bob) Stewart, PhD (Editor-in-Chief) – Relationships among androgyny, self-esteem, and trait coping style of Chinese university students

August 2012: Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – Prevalence of deliberate self-harm in teenage students in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico: 2003

July 2012: Robert A. C. (Bob) Stewart, PhD (Editor-in-Chief) – Satisfaction in stages of the life cycle: Levels of general happiness and frequency of peak experience

June 2012: Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – The effects of maternal employment and educational attainment on the sex-typed attributes of college females

May 2012: Robert A. C. (Bob) Stewart, PhD (Editor-in-Chief) – Love of life as a new construct in the well-being domain

April 2012: Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – Social support as a moderator of acculturative stress among refugees and asylum seekers

March 2012: Robert A. C. (Bob) Stewart, PhD (Editor-in-Chief) – Personality predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder in orphaned survivors of the Sichuan Earthquake

February 2012: Alex Cheyne (Managing Editor) – Gender differences in self handicapping: regardless of academic or social competence implications

January 2012: Sarah Krivan (Marketing Manager) –Trending and mapping the intellectual structure of social behavior studies: A study of the Social Behavior and Personality journal