Loyal customer behaviors: Identifying brand fans
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Using concepts of self-image congruence and involvement, we investigated whether existing customers can be considered brand fans and, if so, how to determine the behavior of brand fans in various situations. Participants were 180 students in a business administration marketing program in South Korea with strong brand loyalty. Cluster analysis was conducted using a 2 (high vs. low self-image congruence) × 2 (high vs. low involvement) analysis of variance and paired t tests were used to identify brand fans through fanship and switching intentions (Study 1). Then we investigated how participants’ minds changed after being exposed to a negative article (Study 2) and a competitor’s aggressive marketing (Study 3). We found that fans do exist for commercial brands and that, as assumed, image congruence and involvement are critical constructs. These results suggest that consideration of image congruence and involvement is necessary for businesses to secure and foster brand fans.