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In the article “Stress and depression among Chinese new urban older adults: A moderated mediation model” by Yang Sun, Huijuan Wang, Libin Zhang, Zhaoliang Li, Shaobo Lv, and Bing Li (Social Behavior and Personality: An international journal, 2020, Vol 48, No. 9, e9446., there was an error in the Measures section and another in Table 2. The first sentence in paragraph two of the Measures section should have read, “We measured the negative emotions of depression, anxiety, and stress using Moussa et al.’s (2001) simplified Chinese version of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales, with responses made on Richter’s 4-point scale (0 = not consistent, 1 = somewhat inconsistent, 2 = somewhat consistent, and 3 = completely consistent).” In Table 2, the data in rows M2 (anxiety score) and Int2 (relocation duration) *(stress score) should appear in the two columns under equation 3.
All versions of this article have been corrected online.