Does “spicy girl” have a peppery temper? The metaphorical link between spicy tastes and anger
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Ji, T.-T.,
Ding, Y.,
Deng, H.,
Ma, J., &
Jiang, Q.
(2013). Does “spicy girl” have a peppery temper? The metaphorical link between spicy tastes and anger.
Social Behavior and Personality: An international journal,
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Drawing upon the theories of conceptual metaphors and embodiment, in the present study we systematically examined the metaphorical link between spicy tastes and anger. In terms of personality, the results showed that participants presumed strangers who liked spicy foods (e.g., chili peppers) were more easily angered (Experiment 1). In addition, we found that people who are higher in trait anger are more likely to have a spicy food preference (Experiment 2). The findings support a metaphorical mapping between taste and personality processes.
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