This is a selection of some of our most popular published articles. Please click on any that grab your interest. The abstracts are freely available, and full PDFs are available via subscription or individual purchase.
Gratitude and happiness: Development of a measure of gratitude and relationships with subjective well-being
The role of task-oriented versus relationship-oriented leadership on normative contract and group performance
Some thoughts on the psychological roots of the behavior of serial killers as narcissists: An object relations perspective
Albert Bandura: December 4, 1925–July 26, 2021
Impact of use of technology in mathematics lessons on student achievement and attitudes
Factor analysis and psychometric evaluation of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) with Chinese people
Brand image and customer loyalty: Transmitting roles of cognitive and affective brand trust
The role of task-oriented versus relationship-oriented leadership on normative contract and group performance
Some thoughts on the psychological roots of the behavior of serial killers as narcissists: An object relations perspective
Albert Bandura: December 4, 1925–July 26, 2021
Impact of use of technology in mathematics lessons on student achievement and attitudes
Factor analysis and psychometric evaluation of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) with Chinese people
Brand image and customer loyalty: Transmitting roles of cognitive and affective brand trust