Menopausal women and the work environment
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A survey was taken of working, post-menopausal women, concerning their menopausal symptoms. The survey addressed itself to any difficulties the women may have faced in the work environment as a result of their menopausal symptoms. The final sample consisted of N = 89 completed survey instruments. In addition to night sweats and hot flashes, other symptoms reported by at least 40% of the women included weight gain, irritability, depression, bloating, and mood changes. These symptoms were reported as being disruptive to their lives by 47% of the respondents, with 30% indicating that their job performance had been adversely affected. The symptoms of irritability and mood changes showed significant correlations with job performance. The sample was further analyzed with regard to whether the respondent was in a managerial or non-managerial position. Excluding the expected night sweats and hot flashes, the non-managerial group showed a significantly higher percentage reporting each symptom in seven of the eight symptoms listed.