How high-commitment work systems enhance employee creativity: A mediated moderation model
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We drew on social exchange theory and conservation of resources theory to propose a mediated moderation model and examine the effects on creativity of high-commitment work systems (HCWS), leader–member exchange (LMX), and work engagement. Using a sample of 221 high technology firms and 383 research and development employees in China, we found that HCWS positively influenced creativity, and that the interaction effect of LMX and HCWS on creativity was significant. Furthermore, we found that work engagement fully mediated the interaction effect of HCWS and LMX on creativity. The results of the mediated moderation analyses showed that HCWS were strongly associated with creativity through work engagement under working conditions of low, but not high, LMX. Implications of the findings are discussed, as well as limitations and directions for future research.