A study of psychological crisis intervention with family members of patients who died after emergency admission to hospital
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The purpose in this study was to conduct psychological crisis intervention with family members of emergency death patients, and to give suggestions for future clinical work. A total of 167 family members of patients who had died after admission to a hospital emergency department were selected. Their mental health status was evaluated using the Sympton Check List-90 (SCL-90; Derogatis, Rickels, & Rock, 1976) revised by Wang, Wang, and Ma (1999). Intervention was performed in 4 steps: self-introduction, expression of feelings, information to prevent negative feelings, and building up effective support to increase coping capacity through appropriate training. Compared with the national norm for the SCL-90, participants in the study gained significantly higher total and factor scores. Compared with the SCL-90 scores of the control group, the total and somatization, depression, anxiety, and phobic anxiety factor scores of the intervention group were significantly lower. The 4-step intervention method was effective in improving the mental health of the family members who received this treatment and in lessening stress reactions like somatization, depression, anxiety, and phobic anxiety.