Item characteristics analysis of attitudes towards smoking scale by log-linear models and t test
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A Likert-type scale was used in analysis of the Attitudes Towards Smoking Scale (Tezbaşaran & Kelecioğlu, 2004) of item characteristics investigated by hierarchical log-linear models and t test. Differential item functioning according to gender and item discriminations was determined by using hierarchical log-linear models. A total of 16 items which were high item discriminate and not gender DIF were identified. Alpha coefficient was found to be 0.91. Scale items were also analyzed using t test and another 16 were obtained. This scale’s Cronbach’s α coefficent was found to be 0.93. No significant difference between these two Cronbach’s α coefficients was found by using Fischer’s z test. Eight items which were detected as gender DIF in log-linear models were obtained according to the t test scale.