Internal consistency, reliability, and temporal stability of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire Short-Form: Test-retest data over two weeks
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The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire – Short form (Hills & Argyle, 2002) is an 8-item measure of happiness. This study evaluated the internal consistency reliability and test-retest reliability of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire short-form among 55 Northern Irish undergraduate university students who completed the measure on 2 occasions separated by 2 weeks. Internal consistency of the measure was satisfactory at both Time 1 (α = .62) and Time 2 (α = .58). Stability across the 2 administrations was satisfactory (r = .69), and there was no significant change between Time 1 (M = 34.5, SD = 5.4) and Time 2 (M = 34.6, SD = 5.2). These data support the internal consistency reliability and short-term test-retest reliability of the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire short-form.