Self-concept: The generalizability of research on the SDQ, Marsh/Shavelson Model and I/E Frame of Reference Model to the United Arab Emirates students
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In this study we examined the structure of self-concept (SC) and the internal/external (I/E) frame of reference model for elementary (n = 276) and junior high (n = 293) students in the United Arab Emirates. The results provided support for the multi-faceted interpretation for both groups of students. However, the study provided stronger support for the hierarchical structure with junior high than with elementary students’ data. Higher-order confirmatory factor analysis (HCFA) of each group revealed that the second-order factor model was the best fitting model. The pattern of correlations indicated that SC in various areas becomes more differentiated with age. Self-concept dimensions were more distinct for junior high students than for elementary students. SDQ-I subscales were more reliable with junior high students (range: .72-.94) than with elementary students (range: .74-.90). We found partial support for the propositions of the I/E frame of reference model for both groups of students.