Psychology in Education
This compilation draws on some of the fascinating research published in SBP Journal in recent years. You will find articles from all corners of the globe, and that address different stages and aspects of education. As a complimentary offer to attendees of the International Conference in Interdisciplinary Research in Education, we invite you to access and download the selection of articles for use in your own teaching and research.
Effects of collaborative expression using LEGO® blocks, on social skills and trust
2012, 40(7), 1195-1200
What influences Internet-based learning?
2011, 39(7), 887-896
Influence of family and environment on students’ occupational choices and expectations of their prospective universities
2008, 36(4), 433-446
Cramming, active procrastination, and academic achievement
2012, 40(8), 1333-1340
Predictors of academic success in first semester baccalaureate nursing students
2009, 37(3), 411-418
Where does perfectionism come from? A qualitative investigation of perfectionists and nonperfectionists
2012, 40(7), 1121-1122
The relationship between personality traits and information competency in Korean and American students
2012, 40(7), 1153-1162
An examination of the relationship between teachers’ professional self-esteem and empathic skills
2009, 37(5), 679-682